March 6, 2007Switzerland-based metal band XICON has signed an exclusive, worlwide deal with the French label Thundering Records for a large-scale release of its debut full-length album, "Theogony". In 2006, XICON signed with Swiss record label Aurora Music for the promotion and distribution of "Theogony" in Switzerland exclusively.
"Theogony" was recorded, engineered, produced and mixed at by Patrick Aeby, assisted by Dom Favez. Patrick is the well-known ex-drummer and producer of KROKUS' gold-certified album "Rock the Block" while Dom Favez is currently is currently involved in the same band as a guitarist. The CD was mastered by Christoph Stickel at MSM Studios, Germany (GUANO APES, OOMPH!, etc.). The album features Ludovic Loez from the French cult bands S.U.P/SUPURATION.
Comments drummer Tom: "We are super-excited to be working with Thundering from now on. It a very dynamic record label ... exactly what we need to keep things moving forwards. Since we believe in the potential of our album 'Theogony', I think the force is goddamn strong now!"
Release dates outside of Switzerland have not yet been confirmed.
For more information, visit www.xicon.info.